13th International Astrology Days October 5-6, 2024, Kozyatağı– BYOTELL

13th International Astrology Days

October 5-6, 2024, Kozyatağı– BYOTELL

The International Astrology Days organized by AstroArt Astrology School every year will be held for the thirteenth time this year! As every year, we will be together with valuable astrologers who have made a name for themselves in the international arena.

The 13th International Astrology Days will be held at Kozyatağı– BYOTELL between 5–6, October 2024. The first day of our event will be only for the students of AstroArt Astrology School.

International Astrology Days event will continue with the workshops to be held at the same place on October 6 with the workshops that are opened to all kind of attendees who have at least basic knowledge of astrology.

The presentations of our foreign guests speakers will be consecutively translated by a professional translator.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Event Schedule

Saturday, October 5

10:00-10:30 Opening Speech Öner Döşer
Astrology, one of the most valuable cultural heritages, consists different ecoles. In our school’s curriculum and specialty classes, we cover a wide range of astrology traditions. We connect our students with invitee representative experts of different astrology ecoles. In this presentation Öner Döşer -founder and instructor of AstroArt School of Astrology- will approach the appearance and development of different astrology ecoles from a historical perspective while discussing the similarities and differences among them.

10:30-11:15 Presentatıon of dıploma and certıfıcate – Öner Döşer & Aleksandar Imsiragic

Coffee Break (30 minutes)

11:45-13:00 Fei Cochrane
Heart Disease: As a result of the prevalence of heart disease, you are likely to hear or read about it often. A failure to detect it early can have fatal consequences. The cause of this condition can be genetic or inborn, or it can be caused by stress. Fei’s interest in medical research led her to study the illness her family seems to have been affected by. The purpose of this study is to determine what Vibrational Aspects appear in the birth charts of people with heart disease. This list of vibrational aspects is known as the Heart Disease AstroSignature. Following a brief explanation of how the research was conducted, Fei will present the findings to you. This lecture will be fascinating and educational at the same time.


Are we happy with the direction that astrology has been heading in the world and in our country recently? What can we do to make it take a more accurate direction?
How can we cleanse astrology from the areas that are being tried to be integrated into astrology and from information pollution?

What can be done to increase astrology literacy and to improve the quality of astrology education? How can we attract attention to astrological research and statistics?

What do we need to do to better explain the importance of integrating with international astrology organizations and schools? This speech by Öner Döşer, founder of AstroArt School of Astrology, will be interactive and the microphone will be extended to those who have opinions. We would be happy for your participation.

Lunch Break (60 minutes)

14:45-16:00 Pam Gallagher
Your draconic soul journey – what talents and gifts are available to you now
Learn how to create the draconic soul chart, starting with the north node natal position. We will progress the natal tropical chart and progress the draconic chart to see how we can make the most of our spiritual timing. We will see how transiting events impact your internal soul world.

Learn how to create a draconic soul chart. Next, we will progress the natal tropical chart and progress the draconic soul chart to see how we can make the most of our spiritual timing to watch our awakening. Additionally, we will dig deeper into soul memory to find the core or seed energy of a soul by creating a core draconic chart.

Coffee Break (30 minutes)

16:30-17:45 Aleksandar Imsiragic
Reincarnation Astrology
A natal chart represents an intersection of 6 previous and 6 future lives. By understanding the laws of cause and effect, we can see how the human soul experiences different roles in various lifetimes.
In this lecture, we will explore the basic tools we use to comprehend the narratives of these 6 past and 6 future lives that are embedded within the natal chart itself.
17:45-18:00 Closing Speech – Öner Döşer

Sunday, October 6

10:00-12:15 Fei Cochrane (with 15-minute break)
Interpreting Solar Returns with Vibrational Astrology:

Solar Return refers to a precise time when the Sun returns precisely to its birth position after completing a full orbit rotation through the zodiac. Solar returns date back to ancient times and are still popular today among western and Vedic astrologers alike. The popularity of Solar Returns can be attributed to one reason: they are effective! Fei will illustrate how it can be used effectively in Vibrational Astrology in this lecture.

Lunch Break

13:00-15:15 Pam Gallagher (with 15-minute break)
Identify the strength of natal planets in expression

We will look at many methods to establish the level of intensity that each natal planet naturally vibrates at. We will examine each planet by sign/house/aspect/sign dignity/house dignity/ degree and special activators.

Degree indicators include chaldean order, the anaretic degrees, degrees of exaltation, and critical geometric degrees. Special credit shows by planetary day, hour of birth. We must also consider a planet’s movement as direct – retrograde – or stationing.

Coffee Break

15:45-18:00 Aleksandar Imsiragic (15 minutes break)
144 lives of the soul in reincarnation astrology

In the ocean of life that we observe through the starry sky, we see a much larger picture of the soul than what would be represented in just the 6 previous or 6 subsequent incarnations, and that is the foundation of the life we live. However, the starry sky goes beyond the framework of the classical natal chart. This is because the stars tell us about their distance in time – whether in the past or future – not only through their magnitude but also through their declination. Up until now, we have only used declination to determine whether it speaks of the past or future. However, the position and degree of declination itself indicate levels of that past or future. In this workshop, you will learn how to identify the life from which we receive the primary influence in this incarnation and how to gain a deeper understanding of that key life.

Detailed information and registration: 0 532 284 89 79/[email protected]

1st day (October 5th, Saturday) – The event will be free of charge and open to all AstroArt School of Astrology students. To confirm your registration, please e-mail to [email protected].

2nd day (October 6th, Sunday) – Three workshops will be charged as follows:
The fee for one workshop is TL1,500 + VAT = TL1,800. The participants who attend three workshops and make a single payment receives a discount of 10%.
AstroArt School of Astrology students receive 20% discount for each workshop. The fee for one single workshop for the students is TL1,250 + VAT = TL1,500. (Students who attend all workshops will not receive an additional discount)


Pamela Gallagher
Isar certified

Midwest school of astrology, founder
Pam gallagher has over 50 years of experience practicing, studying and teaching astrology, also an interfaith minister. She specializes in education, forecasting and spiritual development using astrology. Pam officially opened the midwest school of astrology in cincinnati, ohio 14 years ago where she teaches 4 nights a week. She also sits on the avalon school of astrology board and speaks internationally.


Aleksandar Imsiragic is a professional astrologer and the founder of the johannes kepler astrological institute in belgrade, serbia. He has been practicing astrology since 1988, teaches meditation, and has authored 20 astrological books.
His work integrates a synthesis of western and eastern traditions of knowledge, with special interests in the fields of fixed stars, eclipses, karmic and reincarnation astrology, and astro-healing. Aleksandar regularly holds lectures and consultations throughout the united states, canada, mexico, europe, china, and india.
You can learn more about hıs work at https://www.aleksandarımsıragıc.com.

Fei Cochrane

She is the President of Cosmic Patterns Software and Avalon School of Astrology in Gainesville, FL USA. Fei’s areas of expertise include business, computer technology, education, Vibrational Astrology, and many more. Fei has developed this expertise through his involvement in astrological organizations and his leadership of Cosmic Patterns Software, a highly successful and growing enterprise. He is also a member of the Vibrational Astrology Research Team. Fei is one of the leading astrologers conducting research using Vibrational Astrology in the field of Medical Astrology.


Öner Döşer

Öner Döşer is an astrology consultant, instructor, researcher and author. So far he has written 40 books, 14 of them translated into English, Chinese and Serbian. His articles have been translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, Serbian, Bulgarian and Finnish and published in reputable astrology journals and websites.
Öner is the founder of AstroArt School of Astrology, School of Astrology Publications and Astrology Television. Since 2012, he has been organizing annual event in Turkey, International Astrology Days, with the participation of world-renowned astrologers. He was a speaker at major international astrology organizations. So far he has trained more than 4000 students, many of them became teachers and writers in astrological community. As of 2016, AstroArt School of Astrology has been on the list of approved schools of APAI and ISAR, having Turkish and English certificate and diploma programs for students from all over the world.

Öner is on the list of instructors at Kepler College based in Seattle, USA, and teaches online courses at this educational institution.

He received Robert Zoller’s Medieval Astrology Diploma, ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research Society) and OPA (Organization for Professional Astrology) certificates, he is a member of APAI (Association of Professional Astrologers International) and ISAR.