About APAI

About APAI

about APAI


This is to certify that, following evaluation by the Council of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), the Diploma course and teaching offered by the ASA-AstroArt School of Astrology fully meet the professional standards required by the APAI.

Graduate Diploma-Holders of the ASA-AstroArt School of Astrology may apply for full membership of the APAI. Once accepted, and having paid their annual subscription, they are entitled to use the designatory letters MAPAI after their names. At Council’s discretion, full members who have attained ten years unbroken paid-up membership may be granted honorary fellowships and can use the designatory letters FAPAI.

Astrologers studying with the ASA-AstroArt School of Astrology at diploma level may apply for associate membership of the APAI.

Signed on behalf of the APAI Council:

S Knight

Sharon Knight (Chair) MA QHP FAPAI

J Scott

Jennie Scott (Secretary) Dip. WESA FAPAI


17 December 2015
