The International Astrology Days organized by Astroart Astrology School every year will be held for the fourteenth time this year! Our main theme this year is “2025: A Year of Transition”. As every year, we will be together with valuable astrologers who have made a name for themselves in the international arena.

The 14th International Astrology Days will take place online on the Zoom platform between March 22nd and 23rd and will be free for all participants.

The presentations of our speakers at our event will be in English. The presentations of all speakers are designed to appeal to participants with all levels of astrology knowledge, as well as to be easily followed by astrology enthusiasts who have no astrology knowledge at all.

This Conference will be FREE for everyone and will be in English language. Zoom link will be shared in March in social media and our website.

We are waiting for all astrology lovers, our astrologer friends, astrology instructors and students.

Join Us for the 14th International Astrology Days Conference!


We invite all astrology enthusiasts to participate in the 14th International Astrology Days, an online event taking place on March 22-23, 2025 which will be FREE of charge.

To register, simply send your details via WhatsApp to +90 532 284 89 79 using the format below:

Event: 14th International Astrology Days
Participant: [Your Full Name]
Phone: +[Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]

Please make sure that you have entered your email address correctly. The participation link will be sent via email three days before the event.

We look forward to your participation in this enlightening event!

With our best wishes,
AstroArt School of Astrology

With love, light and hope!

Öner Döşer, AMA, ISAR Cap

OPA Turkey Representative

APAI member

Moderator and speaker:

Öner Döşer- TR

Our guest speakers:

Christos Archos- Greece

Alexandra Karacostas- USA

Chris Mitchel- UK

Tania Daniels- İtaly

Muthu Vijayan Elango- India

Shu Yap- Australia

Aswin Subramanyan- India

Hande Kazanova- TR

Dan Ciubotaru- Romenia

Cecily Han – Taiwan

Yeşne Karaca İren TR

Burcu Çakır TR

Aylin Bekem Yapıcı TR


March 22, 2025

12:30 – 13:00 Opening Speech – Öner Döşer

13:00 – 14:00 Christos Archos

Topic: “The 2025 – 2026 Great Years of Transformation”

Archetypal and Scientific Evidence of a new era. The years 2025–2026 mark a pivotal shift, heralding what many view as the dawn of a transformative era. Blending archetypal insights with scientific evidence, this period reveals profound changes in collective consciousness, societal structures, and technological advancements. Explore how this new chapter redefines humanity’s relationship with the future, innovation, and the cosmos


14:30 – 15:30 Alexandra Karacostas

Topic: “Unveiling Neptune’s Gifts”

In this talk we will explore the symbolism of Neptune and its associations with dreams, intuition, illusion, and spirituality. We will apply practical insights and discover how to navigate Neptune’s influence for personal growth and spiritual development as it connects with the planets in our chart and moves through the horoscope. By understanding Neptune’s role in our astrological charts, will can learn how to embrace our intuitive abilities and align with our authentic selves. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of Neptune and discover how to manifest our dreams into reality, fostering a deeper connection and understanding to both ourselves and the universe around us.

15:30 – 16:30 Chris Mitchell

Topic: “I would propose giving a talk on where “our” (Western) astrology comes from, and the debt it owes to many other cultures”

As astrologers, we know that our art is very old – but many astrologers in the West have studied a particular form of astrology and are skilled in its techniques, but are often unaware of the history of where our ancient art comes from. Human beings have been looking at the sky and assigning meaning to it for thousands of years, and astrology has meandered like a river throughout history, adapting and blossoming like a living, breathing entity. The art that we all practise today has developed over the centuries, and appreciating its history helps us put our own interpretation into context, and lets us see what an amazing tool astrology has always been. The astrology we practise in the West owes a huge debt to a multicultural group of medieval Jewish, Muslim, and Christian scholars who made the art we practise today possible.


17:00 – 18:00 Tania Daniels

Topic: “Lilly’s 5° orb : its origin and original use”

One of the first rules horary students come across is that planets within 5° of the following divisional house cusp are said to BE in that following house. In this talk we are going to analyse this rule under the lens of a planet moving in zodiacal order and a planet moving in primary direction. We will see how divisional houses and the concept of advancing and withdrawing places are part of a straightforward concept that establishes which planet’s agenda the native will realize with ease and where s/he will struggle or be unsuccessful.


Muthu Vijayan Elango: “2025: Global Trends and Tensions from the Perspective of Indian Astrology”

Indian astrology, with its rich and ancient tradition, extends beyond individual horoscopes to the domain of Mundane Astrology—a branch dedicated to understanding and predicting global events that shape nations and their people. Rooted in classical texts like the Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira, this discipline offers profound insights into the cycles of wars, plagues, revolutions, natural calamities, and their impacts on states and their leaders. In this talk, I will explore the key astrological configurations of 2025 through the lens of Indian Mundane Astrology, highlighting the potential global trends and tensions that may emerge. Join me as we uncover how ancient wisdom continues to provide a unique perspective on the modern world.

Yeşne Karaca İren: “Esoteric Teachings versus Digitalizm”

Can esoteric teachings keep up with the coming digital era? At the down of digital age human mind evolves into far strech realms and cultivating a brand new digital society. ‘Good old days’ passing by rapidly as such that one can nearly feel the swift of its wind. Confronting this ground breaking mind shift at our door step, can esoteric teachings guide us to comprehend and help to settle in or it is getting obselete and losing ground?

Cecily Han: “Discovery your Zodiac Animal and your luck in 2025”

The traditional Chinese numerology system also includes an analogous concept to the twelve zodiac signs, known as the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals. Each person belongs to a specific zodiac animal based on their birth year, and each animal is believed to possess innate characteristics, which define the personality traits of those born under it. Additionally, the fortunes of each zodiac animal vary across different years. In my lecture, I will help you identify your zodiac animal and provide insights into the luck and challenges associated with your sign in 2025, the Year of the Snake.

March 23, 2025

12:30 – 13:00 Opening Speech – Öner Döşer

13:00 – 14:00 Shu Yap

Topic:”Lunar Standstills: Turning Points of the Collective”

The Lunar Standstill has been observed since Neolithic times, captured by historically-significant structures in various archeo-astronomical sites around the world. This 18.6 year cycle is often overlooked, mainly due to our modern lifestyles that have pulled us away from daily sky observations as we no longer live habitually under the stars. Reconnecting with this significant Lunar event will help us remember the old ways of living as we return to our ‘birthrites’. Listening to the poignant messages of this highly out-of-bounds Moon can also elucidate foreboding shifts in our geopolitical and social landscape. In this presentation, I will introduce the concept of the Lunar Standstill, present some research behind significant world events connected to this cycle and hopefully inspire you to get under the sky to observe this rare phenomena.


14:30 – 15:30 Aswin Subramanyan

Topic: “Decennials: The Forgotten Marvel of the Ancients”

Once a revered timing method of ancient Greco-Roman astrologers, Decennials faded into obscurity over time. This talk revives their power, unveiling the basics and demonstrating how this timeless technique can precisely map life events in a native’s journey.

15:30 – 16:30 Hande Kazanova

Topic: “2025: The year of economic transition and fragility!”

In terms of the economy, 2025 is regarded as a significant transition year. What effects would interest rates, trade policy changes, and global inflation have on the global economy?

What are the secondary negative effects on the economy that the July 7 Uranus-Gemini transition and the conjunction of Saturn’s lunar nodes are preparing us for? How will some industries react to the way automation and artificial intelligence are reshaping the economy? When will issues in the global supply chain, business, labor, and health sectors become more apparent?

In this presentation, financial astrologer Hande Kazanova evaluates the impact of important celestial events of 2025 on both Turkey and the world.


17:00 – 18:00 Dan Ciubotaru

Topic: Football games astrostatistics – a case study. Over the years, I’ve built a large database of football games and used it to better understand how astrology works. I will go through some examples of football coaches and see what correlation we can get between the game results and transits. We will try to answer questions like:

what is the impact of Saturn transiting the natal chart of a coach related to his success? Even though we will discuss football the scope of this presentation is to investigate the astrological factors related to success.


Dan Ciubotaru: Football games astrostatistics – a case study.

Aylin Bekem Yapıcı: “Statistical studies on children’s charts”

Burcu Çakır: “Celestial Statistics: Measuring the Influence of the Cosmos” A deep dive into the effectiveness of astrological predictions using statistical analysis.

We will share the Zoom link to participate the Conference in March, please follow our new announcements.

Sunumların dili İngilizcedir. Arzu edenler Zoom platformunun seçeneği ile Türkçe alt yazılı olarak takip edebilme imkanına sahip olacaktır.


Öner Döşer is an astrology instructor, researcher, publisher and author. He has authored 41 books, 14 of which have been translated into English, Chinese and Serbian, either individually or collectively. Öner is the founder of AstroArt Astrology School, Astrology School Publications and Astrology Television. Since 2012, he has organized the International Astrology Days event in Turkey every year with the participation of world-renowned astrologers. He has been a speaker at important international astrology organizations. He has trained over 5000 students to date, some of whom have become teachers and writers in the astrology community. You can find more information at https://www.onerdoser.com/en/

Tania Daniels holds a degree in business administration and became interested in Astrology in 1998 after reading an astrological analysis of Leonardo da Vinci’s last Supper. She finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009 she was introduced to traditional astrology by Deborah Houlding. She holds the STA Horary Diploma (master course) and gained her certificate in Hellenistic Astrology in early 2017 from Chris Brennan. She is a tutor of the QHP and columnist of the Association of professional astrologers (APAI). Her many articles have been translated into German, Spanish, English, Italian, Romanian and Turkish and appeared on www.astro.com, or were published by the leading International Astro magazines in the English Astrological Journal, the German Meridian Fachzeitschrift für Astrologie and the Italian Linguaggio Astrale, the ISAR Magazine, the Spanish Stellium magazine, the AFAN magazine, in the publication The Ascendant and in the Infinity Astrological Magazine and in the APAI newsletter. Tania is currently finishing her book on Latitude, declination, nodes and apogee: The lost secrets of our ancestors. She lives in Italy and offers horary and natal consultations in person and via zoom. Contact:www.taniadaniels.com – [email protected]

Substack: BeyondTheEcliptic

Twitter: TaniaDaniels.astrologer

FB: Tania Daniels traditional Horary astrologer

Chris Mitchell has a PhD from the University of Leicester on the topic of medieval astrology and an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University College. He is a tutor on that MA course, now hosted at the University of Wales, and holds a diploma in Bernadette Brady’s Medieval Astrology from Astrologos. He has been actively involved in promoting and teaching astrology since the 1990s, is on the boards of the Astrological Association and the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), and has given talks to groups and conferences in Europe and the US. He is the author of “England’s First Astrology Book”, and was the joint recipient of the Charles Harvey Award for Exceptional Service to Astrology in 2021.

Christos Archos is a renowned Greek astrologer based in Athens, has been practicing astrology professionally since 2003. As the founder of the Mediterranean and Balkan Institute for Astrological Research, he is dedicated to educating and fostering connections between astrologers and enthusiasts within these regions. Widely recognized on Greek television and radio, Archos also maintains a strong presence on social media. With a foundation in psychology, he holds a master’s degree in Clinical psychology. Additionally, he is a certified CBT therapist and has training in Family Constellations.

Hande Kazanova, She graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics. She received her first education in Astrology from the Wisdom of the Sky School between 2001-2003. She completed her Classical, Horary, Electional and World Astrology education at the Astro Art Astrology School and received her Diploma. She completed the exam of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and received the title of ISAR CAP. She was certified by giving the counseling skills training and principles exams. She was certified by the Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA). She is a member of the Astrology Research Association (APAI). Hande Kazanova, who has been a professional Astrology Specialist for 20 years, teaches Financial Astrology at the Astroart Astrology School. She takes part in international astrology organizations with her presentations.She takes part in the Astrology YouTube channel with Hande Kazanova, on Migros TV and on the Astrology Television YouTube channel with her comments.

Shu Yap, Shu is a consulting astrologer, teacher, and writer based in Central Victoria, Australia, on Dja Dja Wurrung Country. For Shu, astrology is not just a profession but a way of life, influencing her work as a grower, beekeeper, and regenerative farmer. Drawing inspiration from Hermetic philosophy, she practices traditional astrology with a sky-centered approach. Shu’s spiritual practice and cosmological perspectives are deeply rooted in her Daoist cultural heritage.

Certified by the Melbourne School of Astrology and the School of Traditional Astrology in Horary and Traditional Medical Astrology, Shu operates an international consulting practice, lectures globally, teaches at Kepler College, mentors individual students, and writes weekly planetary news for The Interpsycle Observator.

Alexandra Karacostas is a professional astrologer. With decades of experience as a consultant, she offers practical wisdom and insight helping people navigate their lives. A student of astrology since 1975, Alexandra teaches and lectures nationally and abroad, and serves an international clientele. Alexandra is past President of the Organization for Professional Astrology, OPA, and served on its board of directors from 2007-2024, She has worked closely with ISAR, and continues to serve local astrology groups. She has been published in numerous astrological magazines, was a regular writer for The Mountain Astrologer, and contributed to OPA’s books, The Professional Astrologer and the new Essential Astrology coming out soon. Alexandra also leads sacred site tours in her beloved Greece.

Aswin Subramanyan traces his astrological lineage through a rich maternal heritage that spans at least 350 years and delves into the traditions beyond his roots in Jyotisa, discovering immense worth in Hellenistic and Medieval Persian astrology, striving to incorporate their wisdom into his evolving practice carefully rooted to the ancient traditions. His contributions include the book “Firdaria – Periods of Life” and co-authorship of the book, Astrology by Moonlight.” Aswin’s articles have been published by various international journals/magazines and currently, he serves as the editor of the journal published by the Association for Professional Astrologers International (APAI). Aswin presents lectures in the conferences and events worldwide and enjoys the collaborative nature of astrological communities. Online, he maintains a blog focusing on natal and mundane astrology. He regularly sends regular astrology updates to his newsletter subscribers via Substack. Active on X (formerly Twitter), he invites exploration of his work at www.theabverdict.com.

Yeşne İren, Studied economics at Manchester University and graduated in 1992, complited her classical astrology education in AstroArt Astrology school in 2009 and become one of the asistant lecturers since. She is also lecturing her own course on esoteric astrology molded with multi-cultural approaches to metaphysical teachings.

Muthu Vijayan Elango is an astrologer, author, Instructor and certified life coach. His journey into the world of astrology began under the tutelage of his father, Elango, and has spanned over two decades. With a Master’s degree in engineering, Muthu spent a decade of a successful corporate career before following his passion for Astrology in 2018. Muthu also imparts his extensive knowledge by teaching the “Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology” to over 5000 students on Udemy, many of whom have successfully launched their own careers in astrology. Muthu can be reached via email: [email protected]

Dan Ciubotaru, I have been studying astrology for 30 years, have a consulting practice for 19 years, and have taught astrology for 16 years. I’m a member and former President of the Romanian Astrology Association. I do not consider myself a traditional, medieval, or modern astrologer. I’m trying to use the methods that are working in practice.

I have a strong interest in the statistical approach of astrology, focusing on sports events, financial markets, and geopolitics.

Cecily Han is the founder of Skygaze Academy of Traditional Astrology (SATA), a leading Taiwanese institution offering traditional astrology courses and books to the Mandarin-speaking community. She has written two astrology books since 2010, one of which was the first horary book written in Chinese. Cecily is the translator of Traditional Astrology for Today by American astrologer Dr. Benjamin Dykes. SATA has published eight books since 2017, including Astrological Prediction by Öner Döşer.

Burcu Çakır took Tourism and Hotel Management courses at East Croydon College in England between 1995-1997 and then returned to Istanbul and worked as a manager at Hyatt Hotels until 2012. She started taking courses at AstroArt Astrology School in 2014 and earned her ASA diploma in 2017. She prepared the #AstroGÜNDEM program on Astrology Television and presented it with Öner Döşer. She was the writer and editor of the Astrology School Posta Newspaper supplement for one and a half years. She continues to serve as the editor of Astrology School Publications. She actively follows Astrology Seminars and Congresses abroad and is a member of Opa, Isar and Apai. She is an ISAR Cap and OPA Certified Astrologer.

Aylin Bekem Yapıcı I completed the classical basic and advanced level education at Astroart Astrology School and received the ASA (Astroart School of Astrology) diploma. I received specialist training and certificate in the fields of Horary (Question Astrology), Electional (Electional Astrology), Mundane (World Astrology), Astropsychology (Astropsychology), Astrocartography (Astrocartography) at the same school. I completed Hermetic Astrology training with Aleksander İmsiragic. I am a member of the Professional Astrology Society OPA. I am a member of APAI The Association of Professional Astrologers International. In 2016, I completed the exam of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and received the ISAR CAP title. I was certified by passing the counseling skills training and principles exams.