Online AstroPsychology Class with Glenn Perry!

Online AstroPsychology Class with Glenn Perry!

Dr. Glenn Perry will meet with Astrology School students 2 hours a week, starting with November 30th, 2015.

Dr. Glenn Perry will meet with Astrology School students 2 hours a week, starting with November 30th, 2015. The courses will be translated by a professional translator. The students will be able to write questions in Turkish and get their answers back in Turkish. The students will also have the chance to watch the lessons at a later time, if they miss the class or if they want to review it once again.

After a Proficiency Exam after the whole course, the students will be able to get a certificate on Astro-Psychology Beginner Level signed by Astrology School and Glenn Perry if they achieve a 75% success at the exam. After a course of 24 weeks, the students will be able to attend a higher level course.


Lecturer                      : Dr. Glenn Perry

Duration                      : 24 weeks

Date                            : November 30th, 2015, Monday

Time                            : 20:00

Duration of a Lesson   : 2 hours

Course Fee                  : 550 TL/4 lessons (The payment is made in the first lesson of each 4 weeks.)

Registration                 :  0216 358 12 23 – 0532 284 89 79 – [email protected]



AP 102: Planets in Signs & Houses


Week 1                       Introduction to Astrological Grammar

                        Styles of action and types of outcome; five ways of combining planets and signs; planets

                        as psychological functions, signs as subject complements; the importance of knowing

                        archetypal relationships between planets and signs.

An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 7, p. 201-212 (up to “Planets as Archetypal Characters…”).  Review Chapter 5 for memorization of keywords.

 “Summary: Combining Planets in Signs”

Week 2                       Planetary Signs as Behavioral Styles

Planets as archetypal characters, signs as adjectives; planets as verbs, signs as

                        nouns (needs and states); inner and outer actions; planets as verbs, signs as adverbs;

                        planets as verbs, signs as adverbial clauses.

An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 7, p. 212-220 (up to ‘Chart Content’)

Review: “Summary: Combining Planets in Signs”

Week 3                       States of Mind and Action Outcomes

Differentiating process from content; planets as psychological states, signs as domains;

our emotional continuum of being; positive and negative states; planetary intentions; planets as verbs, signs as complements; how the sign completes the meaning of the planetary action.

            An Introduction to AstroDPsychology, Chapter 7, p. 220-229.

            Mapping the Landscape of the Soul, Chapter 8, “The Moon Sign: Our Automatic

            Listening Response”

Review: “Summary: Combining Planets in Signs”

Week 4                       Working with Planetary Sign Placements

Putting it all together; why the psychological function of the planet needs to be clarified; why the motivation behind the behavior should be explicit; how to differentiate the core action of a planet from the way the action is expressed; why a planetary affect state should be related to the domain of its sign position; the empirical consequences of a planet’s actions should be related to the theme of its sign position.

An Introduction to AstroDPsychology, Chapter 7, p. 230-237

Review: “Summary: Combining Planets in Signs”

            “AstroMyopia: Missing the Forest for the Trees”

Week 5                       Revisiting House Meanings

Houses as psychological environments; psychological structure of the houses; scenes and settings of the life story; the meanings of the houses; houses as developmental stages

An Introduction to AstroDPsychology, Chapter 6

“Summary: Combining Planets in Signs and Houses”

Week 6                       Planetary Processes in Houses

Interpretive rules for planets in houses; house requirements for growth and

                        development; interpreting need and action in house contexts; situational specificity of

                        planetary processes.

An Introduction to AstroDPsychology, Chapter 8, p. 239-243 (up to ‘Situational Specificity

of States’)

Review: “Summary: Combining Planets in Signs and Houses”

Week 7                       Planets as States in Houses

Planetary affect states in houses; situational specificity of psychological states; positive and negative states (qualities of being); a continuum of being (different but related states); the why—motivations behind planetary actions in houses; the how ways of being in specific environments; style of approach to the house challenge; the right thing in the wrong place; ease or disease of strategy (plan of action); how outcomes vary over time.

An Introduction to AstroDPsychology, Review Chapter 6. Read Chapter 8, p. 243-255.

“Twins, Integration, and the Music of the Soul”

Review: “Summary: Combining Planets in Signs and Houses”

Week 8                       Planets as Content of Houses

Planets as  objective content of house; planets as projections in houses; externalization of psychic states; qualifying archetypal characters of houses; qualifying archetypal events of houses; predicaments, conditions, and circumstances; the inherent unpredictability of outcomes; thinking critically about house meanings.

Mapping the Landscape of the Soul, Chapter 4, “The 2nd House, Values, and Self-Worth: A Case of Mistaken Identity,” and Chapter 7, “Parents in the Birthchart: the 4th House/10th House Controversy”

“Inescapable Archetypal Ambiguity”

Review: “Summary: Combining Planets in Signs and Houses”

AP 103: Planetary Aspects & Personal Myths



Week 1                       Central Themes and Core Conflicts

                        The importance of conflict in stories; motivational conflicts; dialogues of the gods;

                        hard aspects as pathogenic beliefs; plot is the unfolding of character; key moments and

                        core themes as lessons to be learned; conflict in Star Wars and George Lucas; Moon

                        opposed Pluto as main conflict. Review of planetary meanings

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 9, p. 257-265 (up to “Opening and Closing Aspects”). Review Chapter 1, pages 41-45 for core meanings of angles.

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 1

Week 2                       Opening and Closing Aspects

The psychological meaning of aspects; self-talk and internal dialogue; essential and

accidental angles; mutual planetary influence; underlying motivations; angle as

dialect; yang and yin aspects; all meaning is an angle; the angle is the solution; layering

meanings. Dividing the circle and calculating aspects

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 9, p. 265-280 (up to

“What is the Emergent Belief?”). 

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 2

Week 3                       Core Meanings of Major Aspects

What is an emergent belief; aspects as outer events; early formative experience; a formula for interpreting aspects; why major aspects reflect 30 degree angles; why minor aspects are superfluous and unintelligible; keep it simple stupid

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 9, p. 280-294 (up to

“The Rashomon Principle”). 

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 3

Week 4                       The Rashomon Principle

Meaning is a function of context; multiples selves and multiple stories; synthesis and the centrality of the hero myth in astrological work; integrating planets into a balanced whole; flat and round planetary characters; revisiting George Lucas and Star Wars; T-Squares and other major configurations; structure determines function; inescapable ambiguity; weighting and planetary protocols; applying and separating aspects

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 9, p. 294-307

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 4

Week 5                       Cognition in Astrology

Early theories of cognition; schema as planetary configuration; how people construct their own realities; persons as embodied theory; how aspects can manifest in childhood; selective attention and biased anticipation; equifinalty and structure determinism; system’s parameters predominate over initial conditions. Qualities, elements, and signs in aspect

Perry, Glenn (2012). Depth Analysis of the Natal Chart, Chapter 5, p. 63-69 (up to

‘Control Structure of the Psyche’)

Perry, Glenn ― ‘Aspects as Personal Myths Outline’

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 5

Week 6                       Control Structure of the Psyche

A hierarchical model; unconscious beliefs and automatic thoughts; how strengthening

planetary functions enhances overall self-esteem; higher level emergent properties;

informational flows and creative decision making; coalitional, heterarchical control.

Solar aspects

Perry, Glenn (2012). Depth Analysis of the Natal Chart, Chapter 5, p. 69-77 (up to

‘Aspects as Cognitive Structures’)

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 6

Week 7                       Aspects as Cognitive Structures

Patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting; prototypical event patterns; perceptual habits and biased anticipation; the primacy of the abstract; core beliefs about the nature of the world; bi-polar beliefs (doublethink); how resolution of conflict leads to self-consistent beliefs; stable versus unstable self-beliefs; emotional response patterns and hidden cognitions; unconscious plans for disconfirming pathogenic beliefs; events as vehicles for growth and healing. Moon aspects

Perry, Glenn (2012). Depth Analysis of the Natal Chart, Chapter 5, p. 77-86 (up to

‘Repetition Compulsion’)

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 7

Week 8                       Repetition Compulsion

How self-limiting beliefs generate re-enactments of earlier frustrations; the adaptive significance of regression; amplification of patterns to absurd lengths; cognitive dissonance and turning points; filling up the hollow and positive reversal; bootstrap recovery―doing for others what one needed but never received; breaking the curse; conscious evolution; integration of the birthchart

Perry, Glenn (2012). Depth Analysis of the Natal Chart, Chapter 5, p. 86-90

                        Perry, Glenn “Mars square Pluto: Death in a Pressure Cooker”

Perry, Glenn “Integration of the Birthchart”

AP 104: Dispositors and Significators



Week 1                       Every Chart Tells a Story

                        Unity and coherence; the whole is greater than the sum of its parts (synergy); the

                        skeletal structure of the life story; the reoccurring structure of action; plot as a pattern

                        of logical, psychological change; inner story is reflected in outer story; plot is the

                        unfolding of character; fate is soul spread out in time; dispositors as key to under-

                        standing plot structure; diagramming or tracing the flow of action

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 10, p. 309-317 (up to “Planets in Mutual Reception”).

An Outline of Dispositors and Significators

Groundhog Day(1993) with Bill Murray

We’ll be discussing the chart of Groundhog Day in the first week of class, so if you can watch this film (or again if you’ve seen it before) it would be helpful to class discussion. Take notes on what stands out for you in the film. What is the main idea (moral) of the story?

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 8

Week 2                       Mutual Receptions and Final Dispositors

Planets in mutual reception; final dispositors and co-final dispositors; significators;

integrating planetary sign meanings into the flow of dispositors and significators

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 9, p. 317-326 (up to

“Jupiter Quincunx Mercury”). 

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 9

Week 3                       Integrating Aspects into the Flow Chart

Blocking scenes in the life story; combining all aspects into a single scene

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 10, p. 326-333 (up to

“The Following Scene”). 

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 10

Week 4                       The Story as a Whole

Cutting from one scene to the next; integrating the back story into current planetary positions; from prototype to analogue―seeing how earlier and later iterations of a configuration have the same or similar meaning; seeing the story line as a whole

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 10, p. 333-341 (up to

“Transitional Phrases”)

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapter 11

Week 5                       Transitional Phrases

Connecting phrases that tie houses and significators together; how signs signify the origins of planetary actions; how signifiers show where and how the person fulfills needs associated with the signified house; how disposed planets provide the background motivation for the dispositor’s actions; writing out the flow chart sequence; grouping planetary factors into complex configurations

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 10, p. 341-349 (up to

“Being Well or Ill Disposed”)

Tompkins, Sue. (2002). Aspects In Astrology. Chapters 12 and 14

Week 6                       Being Well or Ill Disposed

Listing planetary aspects as part of planetary groups; identifying repeating themes in

configurations; the special significance of aspects between a planet and its dispositor;

blowback and backlash; mutual reception, double binds and self-escalating closed

systems; smooth sailing and optimal enhancements

Perry, Glenn (2012). An Introduction to AstroDPsychology. Chapter 10, p. 349-358

A Zodiacal Developmental Model(p. 1-9, up to “The Inevitability of Developmental


Week 7                       The Developmental Age Method

Signs/houses as developmental stages; how subsequent signs transcend but include;

consciousness expands as time accelerates; evidence for the model; planetary ages as

pivotal turning points; diachronicity and confluence in time; using the method to

determine planetary ages; setting up your autobiography page

The Developmental Age Method(article)

A Zodiacal Developmental Model(p. 9-18, up to “The Case of Madonna”)

Week 8                       Putting It All Together

Teleological causation; indicators of difficult childhood experiences; intrapsychic conflict and differences in time-space orientations; future shock; Hillman’s acorn theory; regression of the ego in the service of healing; the case of Madonna; the significance of transits and progressions


A Zodiacal Developmental Model (p. 18-27)


Dr. Glenn Perry

Glenn Perry is an astrologer and licensed psychotherapist in Connecticut, USA. He received his doctorate in psychology from Saybrook Institute. In addition to private practice, Dr. Perry is director of the Academy of AstroPsychology, an online school that offers courses and training in psychological astrology. Glenn has written eight books, including An Introduction to Astro Psychology, and serves as a Board member and qualitative research advisor for ISAR. He lectures internationally on the application of astrology to counseling and psychotherapy.

[email protected][email protected]