Mundane Astrology Class

Mundane Astrology Class

Now, it is time to go beyond our personal charts and to question which direction the world goes to. What kind of a period we are in? How does the human understanding evolve? What is going on in financial, political and religious systems?

Now, it is time to go beyond our personal charts and to question which direction the world goes to. What kind of a period we are in? How does the human understanding evolve? What is going on in financial, political and religious systems?

Lecturers                    : Öner Döşer – Dr. Sena Büyükçopur – Binnur Zaimler

Duration                      : 16 weeks

Date                            : October 4th, 2015, Sunday

Time                            : 14:30 – 17:30

Duration of a Lesson   : 3 hours

Course Fee                  : 350 TL/4 lessons (The payment is made in the first lesson of each 4 weeks.)

Registration                 :  0216 358 12 23 – 0532 284 89 79 – [email protected]



1st Week         Techniques used in Mundane Astrology

 (Lecturer Öner DÖŞER)

§  Ingress Charts

§  Eclipse Charts

§  Solar Return Chats

§  Charts of Countries

§  Charts of Country Leaders

§  Sinastry Charts

2nd Week        Year Lords, planetary positions in the chart and their meanings

                        (Lecturer: Öner DÖŞER)

3rd Week        Planetary cycles and specific conjunctions

(Lecturer Öner DÖŞER)

4th Week        Studying on the Charts of Various Countries and Country Leaders

(Lecturer Öner DÖŞER)

5th Week        Geophysical Astrology

(Climate Changes, weather forecast, natural disasters)

(Lecturer Öner DÖŞER)

6th Week        Geophysical Astrology (2nd lesson) (Lecturer Öner DÖŞER)

7th Week        Geocentric astrology (Collective) (Lecturer Öner DÖŞER)

8th Week        Geocentric astrology (for individual use) (Lecturer Öner DÖŞER)

9th Week        Career and Astrology (Lecturer Binnur ZAİMLER)

The professional life of the individuals is related with their natal charts. Some people have a comfortable and successful career life while some others always have difficulties.

We all have different motivations, interests and abilities. What makes this difference is our natal chart. In this course, we will be talking on the personal talent development, career plans and paths for success. We will be learning the effects of corporate of sectoral differences on our lives.

Predicting the periodical success and failures of the employees will help both for making correct plans and for giving support at the right time.

10th Week      Financial and Corporate Astrology I

(Lecturer Binnur ZAİMLER) 

Every institution, even a dentist Clinique or a holding has a chart. Astrology gives us information about which sectors we should invest and when, which risks we shall take, losses and money management. The charts of the organizations show us the talents and the fields for progress of this organization. It is possible and useful to benefit from astrology for each management and corporate decisions. The performances of the employee may also change periodically; astrology also informs us on those.

11th Week      Financial and Corporate Astrology II

(Lecturer Binnur ZAİMLER)

The indications about treasury management, investments and the capacity of financial resources are the topics of this week. We will be learning about the indicators which give us clues on the possibilities in savings, investment decisions and share transfers. The students will discover how to manage the life of the companies through the help of astrological calculations.

12th Week      Economies and Astrology

(Lecturer Binnur ZAİMLER) 

The trends and discoveries in economy are also related with the planetary influences. The emergence of new sectors, restrictions and changes in some areas may also be monitored by astrology. The students will review the samples from the past and will learn about the trend in future and will witness the miracle planetary cycles.

13th Week      Introduction to Astro-locality and Astro-cartography

(Lecturer Dr. Sena BÜYÜKÇOPUR)

·         What is astro-locality?

·         The use of astro-locality’s tripod in mundane astrology

·         Jim Lewis’ Astro-cartography, Where on earth

14th Week      Advanced Astro-cartography

(Lecturer Dr. Sena BÜYÜKÇOPUR)

·         Progressions

·         Samples on various countries and country leaders

·         The importance of mid-points in astro-cartography

15th Week      City and Country charts (Lecturer Dr. Sena BÜYÜKÇOPUR)

·         Rectification in locational charts

·         Progression in spatial location

·         Spatial location charts of the leaders 

·         Astrocartography and Fated Points through spatial location lines

16th Week      Geodetic charts (Lecturer Dr. Sena BÜYÜKÇOPUR)

·         Overview of geodetic charts of the cities/countries in some important events and natural disasters

·         Predictions through the tripod of astro-locality



Öner Döşer

Öner DÖŞER, a leading Turkish astrologer, has many followers in the social and national media, including 22 million internet TV viewers. He started to study astrology with Hakan Kirkoglu, further studied with Robert Zoller and earned his AMA degree. He founded AstroArt School of Astrology in 2005 in Istanbul where he trained more than 700 students until now. He also teaches astrology in Girne American University since 2014. In 2010, he organized an original online-live-interactive training program for the first time in Turkey which Turkish and foreign astrologers also take place as teachers. He has 20 books published, 3 translated into English and articles in the Astrological Journal. Since 2012, he has organized the International Astrology Days in Istanbul with foreign astrologers, a fifth is planned March 2016.

Dr. Sena Büyükçopur

She was born in Istanbul in 1967. She has graduated from the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine. She has been a family physician in 2000 after completing her postgraduate degree in Istanbul Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital. She still serves as a doctor and since 2007 she is practicing astrology actively. 

Binnur Zaimler

She is an Industry Engineer, Management Consultant and expert in Business Astrology.

She has graduated from ITU Industrial Engineering department. She has a long experience in Human Resources, Quality Management and Process Management.

She worked at top management level in many big companies like Koç Holding, Arçelik, Marks& Spencer and Avea and finally, worked as Human Resources VP in Doğan Yayın Holding for seven years. She gave many seminars and courses both in Turkey and abroad.

She is member of board in many organizations and also a member of International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR).

Since 2003, she attended to many seminars and courses on astrology. In 2011, she began teaching on the subjects that she learnt in Kepler College on Business and Financial Astrology. She gives management consultancy in addition to corporate presentations, workshops and consultancies on astrology.

Binnur Zaimler is married and she has a daughter.