The Uranus–Pluto Square and Our Near Future

Repeating seven times and affecting for such a long period is a rare occurrence for this square! The effects of this aspect will only start to lessen after March 17, 2015, so the strongest period for this square will be the four years starting in 2012. However, the square of these two, in the cardinal signs Aries and Capricorn, will continue until March 2019.

The cycles of the outer planets bring evolutionary changes. These planets are related to man’s evolution in society and collective life. In the phases of the Zodiac, these big guns are similar to the Sun–Moon phase. The Moon has four different phases each month, and energy is expressed differently in each phase: the new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon.  Pluto, the slower participant in the Uranus–Pluto cycle, is similar to the Sun, whereas Uranus resembles the Moon. These two were in conjunction in the 1960s, like the new moon phase. Now, they will be in waxing phase (exact square) in the summer months of 2012.

To explain the square between Uranus and Pluto and the things it symbolizes, let’s mention the general characteristics of this phase. This waxing phase is the time to reap the rewards of plans that were initiated in the new moon phase. It is necessary to determine a target and build a new world as soon as possible. The focus should be on how to maintain collective order. This is like passing an exam and is a challenging period. Development can only begin after this phase. During this phase, time seems to flow quicker, and things that develop invisibly will now begin to emerge physically.

Pluto is addicted to power, while Uranus is a lover of freedom. Pluto wants to dominate with strict control. To control everything and to impose its power, Pluto attempts to use intrigues and shows of strength. Uranus tends neither to dominate nor to be dominated—it is independent. Uranus revolts when repressed, and to rectify the situation, it searches for alternative ways. It desires freedom, both individually and socially. Pluto is related to transforming the existing structures. It is full of determination energy, but Uranus can continuously change is direction. Its energy is not stable or regular. Pluto is devastating, but it later begins to rebuild the demolished structures. Uranus also changes existing situations, but it does not have the power to restructure. Pluto’s transformative effect is a long-term process that penetrates deeply. However, Uranus brings unexpected and spontaneous developments. It implies that conditions may change suddenly and dramatically.

These two planets certainly have some similarities. Both have a desire for change, which they effect in different ways. When these two come together, it is always time for change and transformation. The Uranus–Pluto cycle is an indicator of social and political unease where mass movements and physical changes take the stage. The potential for radical political programs is strong. This cycle brings mass rebellions, liberation movements, radical cultural innovations, and unexpected impacts with the power to change the course of history. Things that were destroyed can change into other forms, so the revolutions can create chaos! If the transformation is prevented, it returns in a brutal and extreme form that gives courage to the people in authority and enables them to benefit from the situation. Consequently, by the actions of these people, authoritarian control materializes in the psyche. 


Uranus and Pluto’s square aspect will be effective until the midst of 2018. These two planets will be in exact square positions on these dates: June 24 2012, September 19 2012, May 21 2013, November 1 2013, April 21 2014, December 15 2014 and March 17 2015.

Repeating for seven times and affecting such a long time is an unordinary situation for this square! The effects of this aspect will only lessen after March 17 2015. So, the sharpest period for this square will be the four years between 2012 and 2016. However, the square of this two, in the cardinal signs Aries and Capricorn will continue until March 2019.

The cycles of the outer planets bring evolutionary changes. These planets are related with the man’s evolution in the society; they are related with collective life. The phases of Zodiac’s these big guns are similar to Sun-Moon phase. The Moon has four different phases within a month when the energy is expressed differently in each phase: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon.  Pluto, the slower one in the Uranus-Pluto cycle is similar to the Sun whereas Uranus resembles the Moon. These two were in conjunction in 60s like the new moon phase. Now they will be in waxing phase (exact square) in the summer months of 2012.

To explain this square between Uranus and Pluto and the things it symbolizes, let’s mention the general characteristics of this phase. This waxing phase is the time to possess the things that were initialized at the new moon phase. It is necessary to determine a target, to build a new world and to do all these things as soon as possible. The focus should be how to maintain a collective order. This is like passing an exam. This is a challenging period. Development will only begin after that phase. During this phase, the time seems to flow quicker; the things which develop invisibly will now begin to emerge physically.

Pluto is addicted to power and Uranus is a lover of freedom. Pluto wants to dominate under a strict control. To control everything and to impose its power, Pluto can attempt to use intrigues and make show of strength. Uranus neither tends to dominate or to be dominated; it is independent. Uranus revolts under repression and to get rid of that situation it searches for alternative ways. It desires for freedom both from individual and social slavery. Pluto is related with transforming the existing structures. It is full of determination energy. However Uranus can change is direction continuously. Its energy is not stable and regular. Pluto is devastating but on the other hand it begins to rebuild the demolished structures. Uranus also changes the existing situations but it does not have the power of restructuring. Pluto’s transformative effect is a long-term process and it penetrates deeply. However Uranus brings unexpected and spontaneous developments. It implies that the conditions may change suddenly and dramatically.

Definitely, these two planets have various similarities. Both of them have a desire for change. They serve for change but in different ways. So, when these two come together it is always time for the change and the transformation. Uranus-Pluto cycle is an indicator of social and political uneasiness where mass movements and physical changes take the stage. The potential for radical political programs is strong. This cycle brings mass rebellions, liberation movements, radical cultural innovations and unexpected impacts that have the power to affect the course of the history. The things that were destroyed can change into another form and thus the revolutions can create chaos! If the transformation is prevented, they return in a brutal and extreme form giving the courage to the people in authority to get benefit from this situation. Consequently, by the actions of these people authoritarian control materializes in the psyche.

Towards the Beginning of Transformation

Uranus-Pluto square, which will be operative as of the mid of this critical year 2012, is indicating some big transformations which are beyond our control and imagination. We should get prepared for the need of restructuring everything due to unstoppable changes and transformations, some global revolutionary movements and unexpected radical developments as a result of square aspect between these two planets. Pluto symbolizes the power of growing like the seeds do in spring. Let’s see Pluto myth to understand what effects it has: Pluto, the God of death and underworld, takes Proserpina to the underworld to be his wife but she begins to die in this dark world. Pluto accepts to send his beloved wife on earth in each year. When Proserpina goes to earth all the living things there comes to life and they grow. With this myth the seasons on earth is explained as well as the death and rebirth. This is what we are going towards nowadays: something will transform; come to an end and new things will come to life. The square of Pluto, the symbol of transformation, and Uranus, the indicator of the change, shows that clearly. To understand how this square will show itself, we can take reference of the new moon phase of these two, which means the recent Pluto-Uranus conjunction. This was in 1965 and was affective until the spring of 1969.

1960s and 2010s

The atmosphere in 1960s when Uranus-Pluto conjunctions was opposed with Saturn can help us to understand what we shall experience in the coming days. Uranus-Pluto was in new moon phase in 1965 and beginning from June 24 2012, the waxing moon period will begin. 1960 was the time when the seeds were planted and now it is time to grow for these seeds. We will see the results of what has been initiated then. The humanity will make a choice now: shall we make these seeds grow or shall we give up?

The first squares – the waxing phase – is the time to test the initiatives and enterprises. If we believe in a certain project, then we meet the conditions that tell us to attend to these projects. The steps that we have even taken unconsciously now come to the conscious level. The things that were developing behind the scenes now become apparent physically. We witness that the seeds we planted in spring begin to inhale the energy that will let them grow with the first rays of summer. To grow, the seeds should know how to resist the hot summer days. During this phase, the mission is to work hard for establishing strong structures. Time seems to gain speed. All enterprises should have realist and concrete basis. The subjects that were raised in 1960s will witness a paradigm shift in 2012. These subjects – human rights, freedoms, women’s place within the society, the education system, sexual life, beliefs, consumption, healing techniques, ecological subjects, and technological globalization – should be reconsidered immediately.

In 1060s, the excitement for innovations reached to the maximum level and many radical movements emerged. Now, we are going towards the days when we will understand if this freedom desires were realistic or not. The concrete results of these enterprises should be displayed now. We will now see the political commitments, economical enterprises and the concept of giving value to the earth and the people are practical or not. To give an example for that; we know in 1960s ecology was an important theme. However, during 40 years, we continuously damaged our environment. We could not protect the nature. Perhaps we have exaggerated the concept of “freedom”. Perhaps we did not know our limits; made limitless commitments but did not obey them.

Since the midst of 1960s, we have seen numerous revolutionary developments. Uranus-Pluto conjunction and their opposition with Saturn have been a catalyst for all these movements. The revolutions that took place were so important that it also affected the social awareness in the coming years. However, the results of these are not well understood. Now we will understand these subjects better; we will decide what we shall change and what we shall accept and put into practice or not.

It is true although we took benefit of all the technological developments, their impact on creating a transformation in social and global arena will be possible in the coming days. Technology has been used in a limited way until now. It has not been used for increasing the welfare of the societies but for maximizing the commercial profits only. Some developed countries also used technology for military purposes whereas the third world countries used only old fashioned technologies. The economical reformations were not reflected to the individuals. Although many statistics showed that per capita income was increasing, this was only apparent in figures and nothing changed in individual budgets of the people and the opposite was experienced. It is also very difficult for an average person to get benefit of the developments in the health and medicine sectors. It is now obligatory to materialize these reforms which were figures in the statistics only. To succeed this, first of all we must really want to achieve these things.

When Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction in Virgo in 1960s, the first steps of technological development were taken. When the developed countries integrated these technologies to the daily lives it was the end 1970s and the beginning of 1980s. Now we are in 2000s and we use smart phones and computers as a part of our daily lives. Technology does not serve the institutions in power only now; it is widely used by the individuals and more will be achieved in the coming years.

In 1960s, people experienced an awakening related to human rights and freedoms. When we reach the waxing phase, this awakening will be more conscious. The same thing is valid about the women rights. Today many women have their jobs and they have the economic power however feminine values are not yet well integrated to social life especially in the developing countries.

In 1960s, there were also important developments on spiritual and conceptual awareness. In accordance with the nature of Uranus-Pluto conjunction, healing systems and holistic philosophies gained importance. Until then, we have just started to reach the awareness level of ancient societies like the Mayans. We have also changed out nutrition and life styles. Also, for protecting the ecological balance some steps were taken in 60s. Unfortunately, we do not have realistic and stable solutions yet. We should also understand that the wars are not the solutions of the problems. Otherwise, it is inevitable that we will have to pass from dangerous path on our way to 2012!

The Risk of Polarization and the Middle East

The harsh angels of Uranus and Pluto have a polarization effect. A part of the society may prefer the first direction whereas the other part prefers the second. Uranus is like a splinter; it divides the social energies into two. Due to its square aspect with Pluto and their waxing phase; our responses in that period could be impetuous. Popular but immature trends may create an unexpected and spontaneous threat towards the established order. Uranus’ entrance into Aries has already given the courage for instant and spontaneous enterprises.

Pluto in Capricorn may increase the efforts for maintaining absolute pressure and social control. We should also consider how these two planets will show their energies in the signs they are now. Uranus in Aries will show its rebellious and reformist energies more powerfully. The energy of revolution can easily transform into chaos. Pluto in Capricorn indicates that the governments or the authority figures may manifest violence energies against the rebellious movements. Using destructive weapons in Vietnam War at the end of 60s can be a good example for this tendency. We can experience similar things in the coming period. As after 1929 crisis, fascism became popular and ethnic discrimination emerged, we can again see that religious discrimination is taking place. The frontier lines in Middle East can be changed. With the Uranus-Pluto square reaching to its maximum affect in June 2012, the independent powers who claim their freedom are symbolized by Uranus in Aries and the political power that demands to protect their own interests and keep the control in their hands are symbolized by Pluto. During this power struggle between Uranus and Pluto, famine is possible; and products and services can be out of reach. These scarcities can be seen in each field where Pluto-Uranus competition exists. On the other hand, famine can be experienced as a result of natural disasters. So, by the beginning of 2012 we should take preventive actions.

The Shift in Our Perception of Reality

While we are moving towards the waxing phase of Uranus-Pluto cycle, we will experience restlessness because of a demand for quick development. We will realize that better the square between Aries and Capricorn are experienced in cardinal signs. In fact, we need to improve the things as soon as possible. As the time passes quicker than before, we have to take urgent steps to put the things in order. During this process, we have to do what we can. This is a survival struggle and the waxing phase does not indicate an end but it shows us that something new is growing. In 2012, this will make a peak. These two planets will be at the exact waxing phase on June 24 2012. Before that day, on June 6 2012, we will have Venus transit. All these dates are extremely important; all great changes will begin afterwards.

Uranus-Pluto square will be experienced seven times between 2012 and 2016, which is a rare situation. Uranus-Pluto square indicates that we are at the edge great transformations that are beyond our control and imagination. We should be prepared to face with great changes, global revolutionary movements, unexpected radical developments and situations that need to be restructured.

Saturn, the planet which rules our perception reality, will also be in a harsh aspect with Uranus and Pluto. That means the values that are symbolized by Saturn will be challenged and need to be transformed. Saturn wants to preserve its fixed patterns and is too stubborn towards any changes because of the human’s desire to guarantee his possessions and his future. However, Saturn’s approach can prevent the development. If we want to go further, sometimes we need to risk the things that we see guaranteed or we need to lose some things even we want it or not. We can only then be open for new developments and the opportunities that come together with these developments. Saturn rules our fears and it is related with our worries about the future. During these four years when we will experience harsh aspects of Saturn with Uranus and Pluto, we will experience some loses and changes related with the things that we trusted and realized as warranted. These harsh aspects of Uranus and Pluto indicate that the order and the system we are accustomed to will be changing. Now the dam is full and it will be cracked in the near future. This is a part of the cosmic plan. With the water flowing from the crack of the dam, everything should be thrown out. For setting up a new life, we have to struggle with the waves and make efforts to survive. If we stick to our standard resistances, then the stress we are faced will be stronger and the changes will be more radical and more painful. So, we need to succeed going with the flow.

New Forms of Energy

Trying to repress the change only helps the change to be an unstoppable power. Uranus in Aries will demolish all the things which limit or control its contribution to life by the help of new ideas, innovations and new solutions. We should keep pace with the reforms and changes as soon as possible and begin contributing this process. We are not talking about changes in regime or other political changes but we are especially focused on scientific, economic, social and spiritual changes.  Technology, medicine and healing, psychology, space science, economy and various parts of the life will be affected by this change and as a result we will reach a higher reality. We will realize our divine nature better.

When Uranus entered into Aries in 2011, old methods began to lose their importance and began to be replaced with the new ones. We will now begin to see the long term effects of these innovations in various fields of our lives. New perspectives and new trends will be prevailing. As Aries is an East sign, we can also say that eastern philosophy will be more popular in western countries. Aries is related with new beginnings. A new cycle has begun when Uranus entered Aries. Aries is like a child who wants to have everything he wants; he is brave. When Uranus is in Aries, you like to be a part of new things. We will gain a fresh energy and reach a new awareness level for building a new world. During this period that will last until 2018, we need to be ready for radical changes and to deal with the stimulating energies of Uranus!

Uranus-Pluto alignments have a strong forwarding energy. If we know how to get benefit of this energy, we will also have an important advantage. Uranus-Pluto combination can also create a new form of energy. The prophecy of 2012 is that energy shift! Perhaps this energy form can be the photon energy, mentioned by some of the scientists.