After the 4th Astrology Days Organization

Since 1993, 21st of March has been dedicated as “International Astrology Day” hence celebrated all over the world by various astrology organizations and schools.

As AstroArt Astrology School, we celebrate this day spread over the weekend organizing  International Astrology Days which has drawn regional and international speakers and entertainers.

After so many preparations and nervous waiting, we had a very joyous event, a splendid 4th International Astrology Days.

On the first day of our event, we had a public session that our guests talked on the subject “Is astrology scientific?” and all speeches were simultaneously translated. Our guests, from USA, UK and Serbia, were Dr. Glenn Perry, Roy Gillett, Robert Currey, and Dr. Lea Imsiragic and also included a special guest Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol Kılıç and myself. 

                                         Dr. Glenn Perry (US),Astrology and science: a compromise position

Dr. Lea Imsiragic (RS),To Explore Scientific Astrology 


Robert Currey (UK), How The Magic of Today is The Science of Tomorrow 


Roy Gillett (UK), Reductionist Science and Astrology – Working together to make a better World 


Öner Döşer (TR), Mechanism of Astrology and Scientific Methods


Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol Kılıç (TR), Special Guest, Astrology: As a Cosmic Science According to Sufis 


The speeches of our guests from abroad have been simultaneously translated from English to Turkish and also the speeches in Turkish have been translated into English. The translations were very successful and the audience easily understood all of the speeches. Everything was fine about the sound and video and also about the seminar hall; we had no trouble. There was a high level of participation to this public seminar and booth the speakers and the audience was pleased with the organization.  We accepted many thanks from all of our guests. . 


So now we would like to give our thanks to the people who contributed to the organization:

Many thanks to dear Hande Kazanova and Barış Özkırış who anchored the event… 


After the event, we have presented the Certificate of Mastership to our student who successfully passed the exams and completed their education period during 2012-2014. Melek Güliz Kına has been the top of the class.  


We congratulate all our graduates and wish them success. Many thanks to Eldegül Işkın who made a speech on behalf of the graduates…  


Many thanks to Didem Döşer who organized everything from welcoming our guests at the airport, their delivery to the hotel and then again taking them to the airport to coordinating the event schedule, distribution of the tasks and posting to the social media


During the event, 29 books took their places on the stand and the authors signed their books. Many thanks to Dilek Tekeli, Gaye Alkan, Özgü Elvan and Ceyda Alaçam who were on duty at the book stand.  


All our guests signed their books. 


Many thanks to my editor Mustafa Konur who displayed a great performance to prepare my 20th book to be available at this event… Many thanks to the contributing authors of the 3 books out of those 20 books that 3 of them were translated into English…  


Şebnem Eksib’s book received a great deal of attention. Her students prepared a cake with her book Vedic Astrology’s visual on it. Many thanks to them and also to Şebnem Eksib who helped us at each stand… 


At our Astrology Shop stand, there was lots of astrological jewelry, precious stones and souvenirs. Many tanks to Yasemin Atasoy, Yasemin Bayer, Gamze Batur ve Özen Özkırış who helped at this stand…



Astroart Astrology School has been establish in 2005 perusing the ideal of teaching, spreading and putting in daily practice of ancient astrology knowledge as profound as possible for the people who are interested to get a better understanding of themselves and the wholeness of the universe that surrounds them.

Since 2012, as a standard institutional practice our school has been delivering Fomalhaut Reward to give courage and acknowledge efforts of those national or international distinguish persons, institutions and organizations who brings enlightenment to our kind.

Fomalhaut Reward stands for as an indicator of our gratitude and appreciation for those who seek a better society through relinquish work.

Amongst billons of stars, Fomalhaut, with its linked symbolism of promising an eternal name to those who pursue high ideals in an honorable fashion, seems best suited to the meaning we attached to the reward, hence was the inspiration.

Roy Gillett was born in southern London in 1938. He travelled widely around the world studying religions in their cultural setting. He especially investigated the occult side of teachings trying to reach the essence of the meaning which enlightens the route to self and leads to one only. He spent some time with Tibetan Lamas and Zen monks and in 1978 he took Buddhist refuge and has been a close student of Mahayana tradition ever since. He is a Trustee of London’s Jamyang Buddhist Centre which serves community as a peaceful meditation center.

Roy combines twenty years of experience in City of London business and school teaching with 40 more as an astrologer and Buddhist and has been teaching astrology worldwide since 1974. He joined Britain's The Astrological Association in 1988 and has been the President of the Association since 1999. He speaks for astrology on the media, is a regular presenter at international conferences and writes at The Astrological Journal's mundane astrology news column.

His book Astrology and Compassion the Convenient Truth makes a powerful case for the central role of astrology in 21st century ideas and society. His study Economy, Ecology and Kindness, compares astro-cycles with market theories and actions especially between 1979 and 2024. He also published a book called The Essence of Buddhism indicating main issues for a better life. His Secret Language of Astrology is a colorful introduction. He is also known for his technical supports given to the development of the astrology program Solar Fire, which is widely used and well accepted amongst the worldwide users.

Roy, as one can imagine has given his upmost support for School’s international acknowledgement. He helped us, inspired us and above all proven to be a dear friend which we are truly grateful. And at the 4thInternational Astrology Days Event, we took great pleasure to present our 2015 Fomalhaut Reward, marking appreciation for those who seek a better society through relinquish work to a dear friend, Roy Gillett as a reflection of our gratitude. 

After the event, we have presented plaques and silver key chains with personalized birth charts. Our guests really loved those surprise gift prepared by Gaye Döşer.  



Many thanks to Yeşne Karaca İren, Esoteric Astrology teacher of our school, who showed maximum effort to host our guests and acknowledge them both before and during the event…  


Workshops by Robert Currey, Dr. Lea Imsiragic, Dr. Glenn Perry and Roy Gillett on March 21st Saturday and March 22nd Sunday were really very crowded. Many thanks to Yeşne Karaca İren and Melek Güliz Kına who translated the presentations of our guests… 


Many thanks to Özgü Elvan who organized an interview with Sabah (a daily newspaper), to Sibel Oltulu who translated the answers of our guests and to Gül Kireklo who performed the interview.


Many thanks to Hande Kazanova, who prepares and hosts Burası Haftasonu Show at Haberturk TV, as she invited us to that show and helped us to communicate true information on astrology to great masses…



Many thanks to Bülent Şenses and all personnel of Altunizade Mercure Hotel as they hosted our organization and our guests and they prepared the suitable environment for Haberturk filming and to Burcu Özen a graduate of our school and who coordinated the whole schedule… 

Many thanks to Sümer Çalbaş who took the photos during the event and to the cameraman Atilla for filming the event for our Astrology Television…

Many thanks to Barış Özkırış, Sibel Kargın and Tatiana Kavaf who accompanied our guests and their spouses Karen Currey and Alexander Imsiragic during the city your we organized for them.  


We have congratulated our 10th anniversary by blowing the candles together with the teachers of Astrology School; Yeşne Karaca İren, Barış Özkırış, Mustafa Konur and Hande Kazanova.  


When we first established Astrology School on March 15th 2005, we were using one room of our house as a classroom. Now, 10 years passed. We have walked a long way. Let’s see how long we shall go. We will witness it together…


Endless thanks for all,

Gaye & Öner DÖŞER