5th International Astrology Days

5th International Astrology Days

The 5th of the International Astrology Days event will take place between the dates March 18th, 2015 and March 21st, 2014 with the valuable contributions of world-renowned astrologers Geoffrey Cornelius (UK), Maggie Hyde (UK), Yeşne Karaca İren (TR) and School of Astroloji establisher Öner DÖŞER (TR) within a wide range of activities

The 5th of the International Astrology Days event will take place between the dates March 18th, 2016 and March 21st, 2016 with the valuable contributions of world-renowned astrologers Geoffrey Cornelius  (UK), Maggie Hyde  (UK), Yeşne Karaca İren (TR) and School of Astroloji establisher Öner DÖŞER (TR) within a wide range of activities.

On March 18th, there will be a public conference in Istanbul Mercure Hotel, Altunizade between 10:00 and 16:30. Lecturer of School of Astrology, Hande KAZANOVA will offer the peeces, all speeches will be translated into Turkish consecutively. The presentations are prepared on a basic level so that everyone who is interested in astrology may follow the content. You are all welcomed if you are interested in astrology either as an amateur or as a professional. This one-day event is free of charge.

The workshops will take place in Astrology School, Caddebostan between 10:00 and 16:30 on March 19th and 20th. The workshops are suitable for all levels of astrology students, researchers, astrologers and astrology teachers. The presentations of our foreign guests will be translated by our graduates. You are all welcomed if you are interested in astrology either as an amateur or as a professional. 

Astrology and Divinition

Where is our knowledge based on?

An opportunity from AstroArt School of Astrology for the ones who want to deepen the predictions based on the astrological information and reach the refinement of the art of interpretation.

Astrologers are like guides being the translators for the divine language of heavens.

It is a gradual process for the celestial messages to get into contact with you. Discover all the steps during the transformation of the abstract into the tangible with Geoffrey Cornelius, Maggie Hyde, Yeşne Karaca İren and Öner Döşer.

MISTERY OF INTERPRETATION… Being perfect in the interpretation requires understanding the potential of the astrological symbols and their origins rather than just reading them. This is an art; and inspiration is needed to reveal the work of this divine art, insight and also true communication with technical information and symbols are needed.

Lectures for public

18 March 2016, Friday (FREE OF CHARGE)

10:00-10:15 Opening speech and introduction, Hande Kazanova

10:15-11:15 Öner Döşer, Hermes and Divine Wisdom

In Medieval times, Hermes was at times identified with the Thoth of Egypt, Enoch of the Jews, the Hosang of the Persian and Idris of Muslims. Independently of the geography, he was regarded as a prophet who founded the sciences and brought divine messages to humanity. Hermes, known as the prophet İdris As. in Islamic literature, was the first man to whom divine wisdom was given by God (Allah Cc.) including the wisdom of the stars. Öner will explore this great man with reference to Islamic sources and his role for bringing astrological wisdom to his mankind as an initiator. 

11:15-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Yeşne Karaca İren, 7 Rays with Yeşne Karaca İREN

Every form of existence has its roots in divine purpose and it all melts down into One and only. In her speech Yeşne will look into divine mechanizm in terms of 7 creative forces that eventually gives birth to our tangible existence with respect to islamic understanding of Being which can widen our astrologic horizons. 

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-14:45 Geoffrey Cornelius, Where do astrologers and diviners get their information?

The short answer is that nobody knows. There are, however, plenty of theories around, and the further one goes the more mysterious the whole thing becomes. Even the astrologers know that their interpretations, rooted in symbol, are not a simple matter of objective information ‘out there’. The range of possibilities runs from spirits to cold-reading, thought-transference, psychism, cosmic harmony, the collective unconscious and angelic or planetary intelligences. Some say it’s the Devil. What do you think?  

14:45-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-16:15 Maggie Hyde, The Symbolic Attitude with Maggie Hyde

The world speaks in wondrous ways to those with an alternative reality. Any event or situation is open to symbolic interpretation if we intuit that it metaphorically signifies something else. The psychologist Carl Jung calls this the ‘symbolic attitude’ and tells us that it is “ the outcome of a definite view of life endowing an occurrence, whether great or small, with a meaning to which a certain deeper value is given than to pure actuality.”

Yet symbols are often uncertain, so how do we interpret the meaning of a dream, an omen, a coincidence, a horoscope or “thing suddenly happening”? Interpreting the mystery of what wishes to show is the art of the diviner. Through the symbols of Tarot, the I Ching or astrology, the diviner arrives at the truth of a situation, understands its meaning, and brings about a change of conscious attitude. In this talk, Maggie will look at how divination has the marvelous ability to engage with what wishes to show and she will explore how divinatory space and the dialogue between client and diviner turn the client towards truth. 

16:15-16:30 Plaque giving, Fomalhaut award and diploma ceremony. Öner Döşer, Hande Kazanova

Day workshops for astrologers

19 March 2016, Saturday (200 TL)

10:00-16:30 Maggie Hyde, Showings  and ‘Things Suddenly Happening’– Recreating the magic of Katarchic astrology –

While much of modern astrology continues to be enframed by post-Enlightenment thought, traditional astrology, especially horary, orients us to the cosmology of antiquity. Such an orientation is expressed in the katarche (‘ka-tar-key’), a term used in early Greek astrology to describe horary and related practices. It may be translated as ‘initiative’. It implies the seeking of astrological omens of good or ill fortune for the human desire or enterprise being put to the test of divination.

The Company of Astrologers specialises in katarche and Maggie will outline some of its key principles and methods, using example charts to illustrate showings and what William Lilly calls ‘things suddenly happening’. With such an orientation, modern astrologers turn conventional reality on its head and recreate not only the magic of katarchic astrology but also a cosmology for modern times.

In this workshop you will learn the principles of the katarche and the horary methods used to analyse how our desires are shown in natal, horary and event charts. 

20 March 2016, Sunday (200 TL)

10:00-16:30 Geoffrey Cornelius, The Symbolic Narrative– Negotiating Destiny in the Story you Tell –

Does the natal horoscope, with its transits and progressions, fate us or free us? ‘Fortune-telling’ is telling stories from symbolism, and when fortunately told the narrative of the horoscope throws new light on the concrete facts of life and character, re-casting present, past, and future. What is meant by the saying ‘destiny is negotiable’? The right understanding of timing techniques is crucial, and in this seminar we demonstrate key pointers for the student, starting with the concept of horoscope ‘takes’, radicality, the role of context, and the distinction between speculative and realised modes of interpretation.


Workshop payment details are:                                      Payment

Maggie Hyde Workshop: 200 TL                                       Garanti Bankası (299)

                               (For the students of Astrology School 175 TL)                ASTROART  LTD. ŞTİ.

                              Geoffrey Cornelius Workshop  200 TL                              IBAN: TR34 0006 2000 2990 0006 2988 61

                              (For the students of Astrology School 175 TL)

                                                                                        Info & Reservation

                                             0216 386 73 96 – 0216 358 12 23 – 0532 284 89 79 – [email protected]

About the speakers

Maggie Hydeis a consultant astrologer and an international speaker on divination, Jung and astrology. She is a co-founder and of The Company of Astrologers, London, founded in 1983. She has written astrology columns for British newspapers, including The Media Guardian and The Observer, and for women's magazines, including Cosmopolitan, Woman, Woman’s Own andGlamour.  She is also the director of Media Cosmics, an agency for media astrologers. Maggie has an MA in Mysticism and Religious Experience and is a guest lecturer on the MA in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred MA at Christ Church University, Canterbury. Her books include Jung and Astrology, Introducing Jung and she is co-author of Astrology for Beginners (Icon).

Geoffrey Corneliusis an astrological consultant and teacher, and a practitioner of several forms of divination. A former President of the Astrological Lodge of London, in 1983 he co-founded the Company of Astrologers with Maggie Hyde and other leading UK practitioners. Geoffrey has a PhD in Religious Studies, specialising in divination.  He currently teaches on the MA Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred at Canterbury Christchurch University. Writings in astrology include The Moment of Astrology – Origins in Divination (1994) Penguin/Arkana –  revised edition (2003) Wessex Astrologer; and the cartoon book Astrology for Beginners (1995) Icon (co-author with Maggie Hyde & Chris Webster). website: www.astrodivination.com