RAA’s 10th Anniversary Conference

RAA’s 10th Anniversary Conference

On 10-12 October 2014,Romania Deborah Houlding UK, Maurice Charvet FR, Öner Döşer TR and Benjamin Dykes USA

The Romanian Astrology Association (RAA) has the pleasure to invite you to an International Conference celebrating the Association’s 10th anniversary. The event will take place in Bucharest, Romania, on 10-12 October 2014, at Cismigiu Hotel, Bulevard Regina Elisabeta nr.38.


The event schedule


Thursday, 09.10.2014 – 19:30

  • Social welcome dinner with invitees, Gambrinus Restaurant, Bulevard Regina Elisabeta nr.38, Bucharest

Friday, 10.10.2014

  • 10:00-17:30 Workshop – Cismigiu Hotel, Lipscani Seminar Room

DEBORAH HOULDING, UK: The Horary Consultation

  • 19:30 Social dinner

Saturday, 11.10.2014

  • 10:00 – 13:30 Workshop – Cismigiu Hotel, Lipscani Seminar Room

MAURICE CHARVET, France: Looking for the winner in sport and political contests

  • 14:30 – 17:30 Workshop – Cismigiu Hotel, Lipscani Seminar Room

ONER DOSER, Turkey: Hints on Solar Return Charts

  • 19:30 RAA 10-th Anniversary: The Astrologer’s Ball – Elisabeta Restaurant, Bulevard Regina Elisabeta nr.45, Bucharest

Sunday, 12.10.2014

  • 10:00-17:30 Workshop – Cismigiu Hotel, Lipscani Seminar Room

BENJAMIN DYKES, USA: Traditional Predictive Astrology: Distributions through the Bounds

  • 19:30 Social dinner


1. All the workshops will be given in English. RAA will provide English to Romanian translation.

2. This time schedule includes the lunch break, between 13:30 and 14:30, two cofee breaks, from 11:30 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 16:30 and the social dinner, from 19:30. Please, note that the participants will be expected to cover the costs of the lunch, coffee break and social dinner individually.


Workshop summaries


  • DEBORAH HOULDING,UK: The Horary Consultation

Horary astrology has a rightful place in every astrologer’s practice, being one of the most incisive techniques for offering guidance through problems and crisis. It has greater scope and flexibility than most astrologers realize, with the added advantage that its techniques are easy to master once its core principles are properly understood. This workshop demonstrates a systematic approach to horary judgment, illustrated by a variety of recent case histories. It will show horary technique to be a necessary tool for every modern astrologer, simple enough to be of immediate practical value, yet powerful enough to change the lives of people who are trapped in cycles of despair. This lecture is suitable for all levels of experience.

  • MAURICE CHARVET, France: Looking for the winner in sport and political contests

Besides personal astrology who deals with individuals, there are tools to forecast what will happen to many people involved in a special event, such as sport contests, horse races or… political elections. Instead of personal and natal charts, event charts are used, which requires a different point of view. During this workshop, we will see how to analyse an event chart according to the kind of contest that is to be forcasted, and how to use the symbolism of planets and signs to choose the winner. Then, we will study in a similar way how to predict the result of political

elections. Incidentally, we will use lunar astrology, a not well known but very efficient and simple predictive method.

Numerous cases will be used to illustrate these astrological tools, which can as well be interesting for those who are interested in sports betting.

  • ONER DOSER, Turkey: Hints on Solar Return Charts

A solar return chart is a chart erected for the time that the transiting Sun returns to the position of the natal Sun (degree, minute and second.).  As a predictive tool, the solar return is a powerful technique for examining the events of the year ahead, the opportunities and challenges, the themes and issues that will arise during the next solar year, from this birthday to the next.  In this workshop, Öner Doser will focus on the most important methodes of interpretation for Solar return charts and will be demonstrating how the rules of this technique work magnificently by using his own chart as an example.

  • BENJAMIN DYKES, USA: Traditional Predictive Astrology: Distributions through the Bounds

This special workshop will teach you how to use “distributions,” an ancient and powerful predictive technique, in both natal and solar return charts. Distributions (sometimes called directing through the bounds/terms) divide the life up into chapters, in which various issues will arise in life. Special rules govern when these affairs will be more intensified. When applied in a solar return, they can yield a year-long story with events that are accurately predicted to within a week or a day.

Note: This workshop also works best if attendees submit their birth data to the organizer, so Ben Dykes can provide everyone with their own personal printouts and charts adapted to these techniques. Attendees are also encouraged to bring a scientific calculator.


Workshop donations


  • One day participation: 330 RON;
  • Two days participation: 560 RON (15% discount)
  • All 3 days participation: 690 RON (30% discount)
  • The Astrologer’s Ball participation: 140 RON

For reservation please click on this link and fill out the form: http://www.aar.org.ro/plus/inscriere-eveniment.php

Your participation will be registred after you make the donation!

Payment information:

Asociatia Astrologilor din Romania

Tax Identification Code: 16587336


Banca Transilvania S.A., Craiova Branch


Thank you!


About our special guests of honor


Deb_HDeborah Houlding, UK

Deborah Houlding began studying astrology in 1982 with the Faculty of Astrological Studies, and later with the Qualifying Horary Diploma Course. She qualified as a professional astrologer in 1989 and has been referred to as “one of the UK’s top astrologers”. She wrote “The Houses: Temples of the Sky”(Ascella, 1996) and she was editor of the Traditional Astrologer Magazine, founder of Ascella Publications, and runs the astrology website www.skyscript.co.uk. Deborah specializes in horary and electional astrology and is Principal of the STA School of Traditional Horary Astrology. In 2010, she received the AA’s Charles Harvey Award for “exceptional service to astrology.”







Ben_DDr. Benjamin N. Dykes, USA

Dr. Benjamin Dykes is a leading medieval astrologer and translator, who gained his PhD in philosophy from the Universityof Illinois. He received his medieval astrology qualification from Robert Zoller, and taught philosophy at universities in Illinoisand Minnesota. In 2007, he published Bonatti’s completeBook of Astronomy, and since then has translated and published numerous traditional works on nativities, questions, and elections (Sahl & Masha’allah, Abu Ma’shar, Abu ’Ali al-Khayyat, al-Qabisi, al-Kindi, Hermann of Carinthiaetc.). In 2011 he published Traditional Astrology for Today. He offers Astrology Audio Lectures and Logos & Light Lectures, traditional philosophy for astrologers and occultists, on MP3.







Maurice_FMaurice Charvet, France

Maurice Charvet has studied mathematics and graduated in psychology and works currently as psychologist and graphologist. He is involved in astrology since 1967, according to the Tradition and French astrologers Morin de Villefranche, Jean Hieroz and Alexandre Volguine. His practice includes horary and lunar astrology. He uses astrology mainly for guidance in everyday life on a practical point of view, and not so much as a tool for psychological awareness or help. In 1986, Maurice Charvet founded CEDRA, the most important astrological association in France. CEDRA’s online forum, called CLE (key), is highly appreciated by those who aim to improve their ability in predictive astrology.







Oner_DÖner Döşer, Turkey

Öner DÖŞER is one of the leading astrologers in the country who has many followers in the social and national media. He is the first astrologer who organized online-live-interactive training program and the founder of Astrology School Publishing and Astrology TV, where he published 14 books, 2 of them in English, and his videos have been watched by more than 22 million people. Some of his articles are published in The Astrological Journal, the magazine which belongs to The Astrology Association of Great Britain. He is also the organizer of the annual International Astrology Days in Istanbul including dean foreign astrologers since 2012.



