The last step before practicing astrology professionally after a three-year education in our school… Ethics Codes and Consultancy Skills trainings… In these trainings, our students learn the rules on how to express themselves both in one-to-one sessions and in their interpretations and predictions published in media channels and codes of ethics and develop their consultancy skills which are considered important by international astrology communities. 
For the past two years, we have successfully completed intensive training sessions tutored by Roy Gillett, the President of Astrological Association of Great Britain. Here are Roy Gillett’s views on the training sessions we have completed so far and our students. Happy to share it with you… 
“It was a pleasure to spend a day with the third year students of the AstroArt Astroloji Okulu in a final session before they were awarded their diploma. We developed and shared their understandings of the astrology consultants' Code of Ethics, and then demonstrated and practiced some basic consultation methods. We sought out together how to clarify clients' circumstances in a way that would set clients free to make happy decisions in their lives, to the benefit of themselves and everyone around them. In my more than forty years working full time in the service of astrology, I have not seen students more ready for the challenges of astrology consultation. They had been instructed in a wide range of astrological techniques from classical, traditional and modern traditions and had the capacity to apply these to offer clear, concise interpretations. When putting themselves in client consultation situations, their approaches were wise and appropriate.” Roy Gillett B.Ed[Hons Ldn] 
You may watch the video on this training session on