Karmic Past and Future of Our Souls
Even they believe in fate and karma or not, many people ask themselves questions like “Why am I here?”, “What is expected from me?” or “What is the purpose of my life?” South and North Nodes, one of the crucial elements of an astrology chart, are indicators which guide us to make a connection between past and future, to understand where we are coming from and where we are going to and find the right path accordingly. They are crucial tools telling about our souls journey from past to future. The book, written by Dr. Samiye Özbaş Soysal, is designed for guiding the readers on their life journeys.
Book Details
Book Title: Astrolojide Ay Düğümleri
Author: Dr. Samiye Özbaş Soysal
Publisher: AstroArt School of Astrology Publications
Language: Turkish
Number of pages: 224
Published at: May 2015
ISBN: 978-605-65521-1-3