The most comprehensive reference book published in Turkish that teaches real astrology.
The main problem of the students of astrology in our country is that it it difficult to find good reference books in Turkish. In Turkey, there are a few books on astrology except Sun sign books and some astrology books which are similar to cook-books. One of the negative consequences of this, readers cannot meet with the real astrology but they are only exposed to popular astrology which is presented as if it is the astrology itself. However, when compared with the real astrology, one can easily realise that popular astrology is far away from it; there is a great gap between the real astrology and the things that are seen on the media and press.
This book has two main targets: one of them is to meet the readers with the real astrology and the other is to present a contentful Turkish reference book that the basic information on astrology which is needed for a sound astrology background is given in a systematic way.
Including both classical and modern astrology knowledge and techniques both theoretically and practically, the book is the first contentful book in Turkey in its field. The book presents a treasury for the readers on this ancient knowledge and fulfills their needs.
Book Details
Book Title: Astrolojide Temel Kavramlar
Author: Öner Döşer
Publisher: AstroArt School of Astrology Publications
Edited by: Mustafa Konur
Cover & pages designed by: Mustafa Konur
Language: Türkçe
Paper: Lightly glazed paper
Size: 16 x 23 cm.
Number of pages: 536
Published at: March 2013