Öner Döşer
Öner Döşer is an astrology consultant, instructor, researcher and author.
So far he has written 35 books, 14 of them translated into English, Chinese and Serbian. His articles have been translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, Serbian, Bulgarian and Finnish and published in reputable astrology journals and websites.
Öner is the founder of AstroArt School of Astrology, School of Astrology Publications and Astrology Television. Since 2012, he has been organizing annual event in Turkey, International Astrology Days, with the participation of world-renowned astrologers. He was a speaker at major international astrology organizations. So far he has trained more than 2000 students, many of them became teachers and writers in astrological community. As of 2016, AstroArt School of Astrology has been on the list of approved schools of APAI and ISAR, having Turkish and English certificate and diploma programs for students from all over the world.
Öner is on the list of instructors at Kepler College based in Seattle, USA, and teaches online courses at this educational institution.
He is the lead author of Posta Newspaper School of Astrology magazine.
He received Robert Zoller’s Medieval Astrology Diploma, ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research Society) and OPA (Organization for Professional Astrology) certificates, he is OPA Turkey Satellite and a member of APAI (Association of Professional Astrologers International) and ISAR.
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